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For folks seeking a proven Serama Bantam to start their flock,  we are currently offering this young pair, available for adoption.



  • Hatched; Aug 29, 2021
  • From breeding of'Coak & 'Vera'
  • Weight range: Class B
  • Color
  • Band #: SCNA 2021-


'Snuggle Rating' f(or those seeking a beloved pet). 7 (Scale from 1 -10)



  • Hatched; Dec, 2021
  • From breeding of:'Copper & 'Goldie hen'
  • Weight range: Class B
  • Color: Red/Buff
  • Band #: SCNA 2021-
  • 'Snuggle Rating' f(or those seeking a beloved pet). 6 (Scale from 1 -10)


Why Devotion Serama? Our Serama Bantams are; 

  • CLOSE FAMILY PETS- Our birds are handled frequently, and we treat our Serama like close family pets. We Sell to fellow Fowl Fanciers’ and backyard chicken owners, simply because we 'just can’t keep them all’. Finding a great home and happy owners is our top priority, keeping in touch and helping along the adoption process and beyond.
  • BLOODLINE- We have sought out quality breeders from Champion bloodlines across the US and strive to breed all our Serama in accordance with the Breed Standards on the American Bantam Association (ABA) and Serama Council of America (SCNA).
    • We have acquired Serama that have been proven Champions in the Traditional Serama category of ‘Tabletop’ and ‘In Cage’, competitions.
    • We represent the SCNA by breeding with the strict intent of improving the breed and producing healthy, happy chickens.
  • CARE: All our precious birds are given the the absolute best care imaginable.
    • NUTRITION: Everyone gets the best of food, Organic, non-GMO scratch, custom blended weekly with whole grains, fruits, berries, probiotics and vitamins. Fresh greens including fresh wheatgrass, and sprouted grains, various treats, and all the mountain spring water they can drink.
    • HOUSED INDOORS: Our birds are housed in indoor/outdoor facilities where they are safe from predators at night and can enjoy grazing and roam freely during the sunny days.
      • In fall and winter, our birds are kept in a heated in small breeding flocks in their own heated facility and have full spectrum lights over where they ae housed during the day to combat the low light ‘winter blues’ and keep our hens happily laying.
  • HEALTH: We strive to keep all our birds in the best of condition as overall health of our animals, and ourselves, is top priority.
    • NPIP – We are a participant in the,’National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), a division of the (USDA), where our birds are tested for communicable pathogens and our farm is also inspected for our cleanliness Biosecurity protocol.
      • NC NPIP 'Independant Flock # 1742. 
    • DEFEND THE FLOCK ‘Devotion Serama’, is proud to partner with @USDA APHIS to support the @Defend the Flock public education program to help all growers keep birds healthy and reduce the spread of disease.

When you purchase from Devotion Serama you can expect nothing but the highest quality of birds for your flock; the best of bloodlines, free from disease, handled every day, and ready to become a part of your household. We look forward to sharing the enjoyment and rare opportunity of owning the 'Bantam of Kings’ to all of whom we do business with.

'Pet Quality' Serama Pair


    Shipping is an additional $75.00

    You will receive an email and or text message when your bird is shipped along with the tracking info.

    • We ship on Monday or Tuesday, never at the end of the week, as we dont want any live animals sitting at a USPS facility over the weekend 'waiting on their plane'.
    •  All birds are shipped via USPS. Priority Mail Express 1-3 day guaranteed with insurance up to $100.
    • Live birds usually arrive in the morning 1-2 days later at your local Post Office.
    • The Post Office will call you for pickup. Live birds never delivered to your home address, even if you used a home address for your shipping address.

    Due to Covid-19 things are taking longer with us and USPS. We package our birds with this in mind including a bit of food and bedding, but delays can happen.  

    Our birds are healthy when they leave our farm and typically ship well, but will need fresh water immediately upon arrival and a bit of 'down time to recouperate from the stress of travel.

    If there are any issues during shipment; please take photos of the box and birds, contact us immediatelly and you can also file a claim with USPS for the damage. However, you will need to submit a claim directly with USPS. 


    Although all our birds are NPIP tested & healthy at the time of sale, due to unknown factors once the bird leaves our premises those beyond our control,  we offer no guarantee on health after the time of sale.

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